Established by fellowship

John 14:16-19

There is a mine of power established for you, how much power you take will depend on how deep you go.

I was blessed by the sermon on Sunday, in order for you to go deep you need a company!

Whose company are you in today? The company that is connected to the vision and the Word of God for the Church is the one that will help you go deeper.

There are angels at bay waiting to run to fulfil the Word spoken to the Church. Angels fellowship with God, if you want them to work for you, you must fellowship with God too.

We were taught that to be in fellowship is to be in the same spirit. Angels want to fulfil the will of God, when you connect to the Word of God and work toward fulfilling it, then you are in agreement with them.

The man of God spoke to us and said there will be tribulations along the way.

That has not deterred mankind from reaching the treasure they want underground. They just plant explosives and explode the mountain that is in the way of them going deep.

So you too your faith is your ammunition!

God did not tell the Israelites about the wilderness because:
1. Mankind is feeble and would have been afraid to go.
2. He doesn’t count the mountain

Don’t count the mountain!

Evangelist Adrian spoke about mountain demons, you don’t see them until they are on top of you.

I want to tell you that there are some demons that are stubborn because they are also established deep underground.

Don’t worry we will blow them away with faith and continue digging.

Therefore, fellowship with God and the company He has established around you (the Church), and experience the mine of power!
What is revealed is there for the taking!


By Adelaid Mabusela


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